
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от mrxmarik

Выберите правильный ответ.

 1 Stella liked her job in London and she is hoping to find same sort of job in


a) the;  b) this;  c)-.


2 Lake Erie is one of the five Great Lakes in           North America.

a) -; b)the;          c)a.


3 What     nice child!

a) the;  b)-;        c)a.


4 Who can give me            right answer?

a) the;  b)a;        c)-.


5 His daughter caught       cold the other day.

a) -; b)the;          c)a.

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан kiskam

    1 Stella liked her job in London and she is hoping to find the same sort of job in



    2 Lake Erie is one of the five Great Lakes in     the       North America.


    3 What   a  nice child!


    4 Who can give me     _     right answer?


     5 His daughter caught    a   cold the other day.

  2. Ответ
    Ответ дан ПростоЛёка


    1/ Stella liked her job in London and she is hoping to find the same sort of job in Newcastle.


    2/ Lake Erie is one of the five Great Lakes in the North America.


    3/ What a nice child!


    4/ Who can give me the right answer?


    5/ His daughter caught a cold the other day.

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