
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от alina57

mark  the   statements  truec or  false

1 there is no diffence between  the words game and  sports

2  football and tennis  are games

3  swimming  rowing  mountain  climbing  running  and  jumping are games

4  the  word game  means  some king of sport in which  there  are two sides  or teams

5 lce  hockey  is a  game  played  with  a ball  by  eleven  men in  each  team

6  boxing is  an  organized  game  of  fist  fighting  usually with thick  gloves

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан ПростоЛёка

    1 there is no diffence between  the words game and  sports- false

    2  football and tennis  are games- true

    3  swimming  rowing  mountain  climbing  running  and  jumping are games - false

    4  the  word game  means  some king of sport in which  there  are two sides  or teams - false

    5 lce  hockey  is a  game  played  with  a ball  by  eleven  men in  each  team - false

    6  boxing is  an  organized  game  of  fist  fighting  usually with thick  gloves- true

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