
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от Ziratul8

какой из вариантов правильный

1. What would you do if you ...more from them a) have b) had
2. If we ...better, we could have won the championship a) played b) had played
3. Unless we get tickets, we ...the maid a) will not see b) do not see
4. you ...use your mobile in the classroom a) mustn,t b) ought to c) don,t have to d) couldn,t
5. " I have never been to a nicer place ". Pam said ... a) she had never been to a nicer place b) she has never been to a nicer place
6. " i,ll be here next Monday ". Charlie said ... a) he will be here next Monday. b) he would be there the next Monday.
7. " Stop talking ", the teacher told Sam. The teacher told Sam ... a) stop talking b) to stop talking.
8. " Will we have the chance to see Buckingham Palace? " The young couple asked... a) if they had the chance to see Buckingham Palace. b) if they would have the chance to see Buckingham Palace.
9. " Why did you decide to become a travel agent " An interviewer asked ... a) why did i decide to become a travel agent b) why i decided to become a travel agent c) why i had decided to become a travel agent.
Дальше надо продолжить.
1. If i see you, ..
2. If i were you, ..
3. If we had met each other, ..
4. if it was my birthday, ..

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан Werrina
    1. b) had 2. b) had played 3. a) will not see 4. a) mustn't 5. a) she had never been to a nicer place 6. b) he would be there the next Monday. 7. b) to stop talking. 8. b) if they would have the chance to see Buckingham Palace. 9. c) why i had decided to become a travel agent.  

    1. If i see you, I will be the happiest man on the Earth.
    2. If i were you, would drive more carefully in the rain.
    3. If we had met each other, I would have helped you.
    4. if it was my birthday, I would invite all my friends to the party.    

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