
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от Qikki

Sammy Milton 1) not.. (not/be) very clever. He 2) (walk) along the beach one day when he 3) (trip) over something and 4) (fall) on the sand. He 5) (not/look) where he was going. "What 6) (be) this?" he said, picking up the object he 7) (trip) over. "I 8) (never/see) anything like it before." It was, in fact, a very old oil lamp, and as he 9) (rub) it, a genie suddenly 10) (fly) out of it. "You 11) (just/release) me from the lamp!" said the genie. "Now you may have three wishes." "Great" said Sammy who 12) (feel) very thirsty. "113) (want) a bottle of lemonade that never 14) (run out)." "No problem." said the genie, and 15) (produce) one instantly. Sammy picked up the bottle and 16) (drink) all the lemonade in one go. Magically, the bottle 17) (fill) itself up again. Sammy drank all that, and exactly the same thing 18) (happen) again.

'That's amazing!" he said. "Thanks very much!" "You still 19) (have) two more wishes young man." 'That's easy." said Sammy. "I 20) (have) two more of these bottles of lemonade!"

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан MaryFairy211

    Sammy Milton 1) is not very clever. He 2) was walking along the beach one day when he 3) tripped over something and 4) fell on the sand. He wasn't looking where he was going. "What 6) is this?" he said, picking up the object he 7) had tripped over. "I 8) have never seen anything like it before." It was, in fact, a very old oil lamp, and as he 9) rubbed it, a genie suddenly 10) flew out of it. "You 11) have just released me from the lamp!" said the genie. "Now you may have three wishes." "Great" said Sammy who 12) felt very thirsty. "I 13) want a bottle of lemonade that never 14) runs out." "No problem," said the genie, and 15) produced one instantly. Sammy picked up the bottle and 16) drank all the lemonade in one go. Magically, the bottle 17) filled itself up again. Sammy drank all that, and exactly the same thing 18) happened again.

    'That's amazing!" he said. "Thanks very much!" "You still 19) have two more wishes, young man." 'That's easy," said Sammy. "I 20) shall have two more of these bottles of lemonade!"

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