
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от 4213

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long ago there lived a king who had beautiful daughters. the youngest was the most beautiful of them all. They all lived in a very large palace. Around the palace were wonderful gardens. There was also a large forest and there under a tree was a pond. Often on a warm day the little princess went into this forest to play wint her ball. It was a golden ball and it was her favourite toy. She threw the ball and caught it. Sometimes she thew it over the branches of the tree. She liked to see how high she could throw it. Nowit so happened that one day the princess threw  it so high that she couldn't catch it and it fell in the pond. The princess knew the pond was very deep. Her father often told her not to go too near the pond because  it could be dangerous. She sat down and cried. "I shall never see my beautiful ball again," she thought.
what's the matter, little princess? said a voice. why are you crying? nht little princess looked around her and saw a frog. oh, what do you want, you ugly, old frog? l've lost my beautiful golden ball for ever btcause it's fallen in the pond. that's no problem, said the frong. i can casily find it for you. what will you give me if l do it for you? l will give you all dresses and my toys, said the little princess.                                                                                              thank you but l don't want your dresses and your toys, said the frog. can l be your friend, sit near you at the palace table, eat from your golden plate, drink from your golden cup and sleep ntar you in your lovely bed? oh yes, yes. I'll do anything if you just bring me my golden ball. "The princess thought that the frog could only live near water. "How could he come into the palace?" she thought.
 When the frog heard the princess say "yes" he jumped into the pond to find the ball. Soon he was there again and the golden ball was in his mouth. 
Найдите в этом тексте слова вот этих времен)
Present Simple (will V)
Past Simple(Have V3 hats)
Future Simple(am, is, are, was, were, will be)
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  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан крэйзи1996
    lived, had, went, caught, happened, knew, told, sat, cried, said, looked, saw, thought,  heard, jumped,    - Past Simple
    was, were  - Past Cont.
    shall never see,  will you give - Future Simple
    are you crying - Pr.Cont.
    l've lost (i have lost) - Past Perfect
    it's fallen - Present Cont. Passive
    be, eat, drink, bring - Present Simple
    1. Ответ
      Ответ дан крэйзи1996
      вроде вот

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