
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от галяя

Составьте вопросы на следующие ответы;1.Yes,it can.2.No,I don"t.3.No,she can't.4.Yes,he has.5.No,it isn't.6.Yes,we must.

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан Iag2003

    1. Can your parrot speak? - Yes, it can.

    2. Do you like coffee? - No, I don't.

    3. Can your sister play table tennis? - No, she can't.

    4. Has he got a pet? - Yes, he has.

    5. Is the weather warm today? - No, it isn't.

    6. Must we help him? - Yes, we must.

  2. Ответ
    Ответ дан kawaii9668

    1) Can this plane fly? Yes, it can.

    2) Do you know anything about Charles Dickens? No, I don't.

    3) Can your friend go with me? No, she can't.

    4) Has your brother notebook? Yes, he has.

    5) Is it your pen? No, it isn't.

    6) Must we go to school every week? Yes, we must.

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