
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от natika

помогите поставить глаголы в правильную будущую форму: . Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future form. 1. A Have you decided where to go on holiday with your family? B We haven’t decided yet, but I think we ___________________________ (go) to Italy. 2. A Have you decided where to go on holiday with your family? B Yes, we______________________ (go) to Italy, we’ve booked a hotel in Venice. 3. A Did you know that Mrs Brown is in hospital? B Really? I________________ (visit) her some time this week. 4. A Did you know that Mrs Brown is in hospital? B Yes, I know. I_____________ (visit) her next Tuesday. 5. A Did you listen to the weather forecast this morning? B No, but just look at the sky. It___________________ (be) nice and sunny. 6. A Is it something serious, doctor? B No, Mr Jones. Take the pills three times a day and you ______________ (feel) better soon. 7. A Are you flying somewhere? B Yes, to London. My plane_______________ (leave) in an hour. I have to hurry. 8. A Are you sure all the guests will come to the reception? B I don’t know. Some of them______________________ (be) too tired to come.

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан TJ95

    1.will go

    2. are going

    3. am going

    4. am visiting

    5. will be

    6. will feel

    7. is leaving

    8. will be 

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