
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от Надькая

Predictions Complete the horoscopes with will and a verb from the boxes.Ask,   give, enjoy, meet,take Don t spend too much! You will get a shock when you go to the bank! Go to the joke shop. You __________ somebody special there! Somebody______ for your help in shop. Be kind abd help them! Lucky you! Somebody________ you a present from your favourite chocolate shop! You___________ window-shopping. But don t buy anything. Are you feeling musical? Your best firned____________you to an interesting new music shop! Помогите пожалуйста, а то я совсем запуталась!! )))

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан аннюша99

    Don* t    spend too much! You will get a shock when you go to the bank! Go to the joke shop. You  will meet  somebody special there! Somebody  will ask for your help in shop. Be kind and help them! Lucky you! Somebody  will   give  you a present from your favourite chocolate shop! You will  enjoy  window-shopping. But don* t buy anything. Are you feeling musical? Your best friend   will take you to an interesting new music shop!

  2. Ответ
    Ответ дан Iag2003

    Don't spend too much! You will get a shock when you go to the bank! Go to the joke shop. You  will meet  somebody special there! Somebody  will ask for your help in shop. Be kind and help them! Lucky you! Somebody  will   give  you a present from your favourite chocolate shop! You will  enjoy window-shopping. But don' t buy anything. Are you feeling musical? Your best friend will take you to an interesting new music shop!

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