
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от TheShadow8808

В место __ нужно поставить артикль a, an или the.

   (1)__ language achieves a genuinely global status when it develops

(2)__ special role that is recognised in (3) __ every country.

   Consider (4)__ astounding facts about (5) __ English as a global language. Most estimates agree that there are some 375 million native speakers, a further 375 million second-language speakers and one billion learners of (6) __ English language at large in (7)__ world today. What's more, 90 per cent of (8) __ world's computers linked to (9) Internet are based in English-speaking countries.

   English is (10)__ main language of (11)__ books, newspapers, airports, air-traffic control, air space travel, international business and academic conferences, science and technology, diplomacy, sport, international

competitions, pop music and advertising. Over two-thirds of (12)__ world's scientists read in (13)__ English.

   English has official or special status in at least 75 countries with (14)__ total population of over two billion. One out of four of (15)__ world's population speak English to some level of (16)__ competence.

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  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан Iag2003

    1. the

    2. a

    3. ---

    4. --

    5. ---


    7. the

    8. the

    9. the

    10. the

    11. ---

    12. the

    13. ---

    14. the

    15. the


  2. Ответ
    Ответ дан 325km

    The language achieves a genuinely global status when it develops a special role that is recognised in the every country. Consider an the astounding facts about a English as a global language. Most estimates agree that there are some 375 million native speakers, a further 375 million second-language speakers and one billion learners of a English language at large in a world today. What's more, 90 per cent of a world's computers linked to a Internet are based in English-speaking countries. The English as a global language. Most estimates agree that there are some 375 million native speakers, a further 375 million second-language speakers and one billion learners of an English language at large in a world today. What's more, 90 per cent of a world's computers linked to the Internet are based in English-speaking countries. English is a main language of a books, newspapers, airports, air-traffic control, air space travel, international business and academic conferences, science and technology, diplomacy, sport, international competitions, pop music and advertising. Over two-thirds of a world's scientists read in an
    English. English has official or special status in at least 75 countries with a total population of over two billion. One out of four of a world's population speak English to some level of the a competence.

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