
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от darasha

Помогите пожалуйста! Надо:составить предложения в разных временных формах. I ... in the park and ... my notes at the moment (sit,write). It ... not (be). I ... this not weather (hate). I ... not ... to sit here (want). But Roger ... tennis with his friend (play). They ... and ... (run,laugh). They ... this (like). Oh,i ... an ice-ream man! (see). It`s great. Ic-cream ... cold and tastes good (be). Now i .... ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан vikacim

    I am siting in the park and writing my notes at the moment.  I sat in the park and wrote my... I will sit in park and i will write my....

    It is not.  It was not. It will not.

    I hate this...  I hated this... I will hate this....

    I did not want to sit here.  I do not want... I shall not want...

    But Roger played tennis.....   But Roger  plays  tennis....  But Roger  will play tennis....

    They run and laugh.  They  ran and laughed. They will run and laugh.

    They liked this. They like this. They will like this.

    Oh, i saw an....   Oh, i see an.....    Oh, i shall see an.....

    Ice-cream was cold.....   Ice-cream  is  cold......


  2. Ответ
    Ответ дан аннюша99

    I am sitting  in the park and  writing  my notes at the moment .

    It  is not  warm. (пропущено какое- то слово!)

    hate  this hot weather.

    do  not want  to sit here .

    But Roger  is playing  tennis with his friend.

    They  are running  and laughing.

    They like this game. Oh,I  see  an ice-Cream man! 

    It`s great. Ice-cream is  cold and tastes good 

    Now I am eating ice - cream.


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