
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от котэ100500


1) a beautiful embroidered cheese-cloth kaftan; 2) dark blue ripped denim jeans; 3) funky ethnic bright accessories; 4) wonderful leather sandals; 5) very nice bright¬ly coloured baggy trousers

describe five pieces  of clothing using the words above.

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан tanussia

    1.I bought a beautiful embroidered cheese-cloth kaftan last Sunday.

    2.Young people like to wear dark blue ripped denim jeans.

    3.The tourists saw many funky ethnic bright accessories.

    4.My elder brother has a pair of wonderful leather sandals.

    5.Cossacs wore very nice brightly coloured baggy trousers. 

  2. Ответ
    Ответ дан Iag2003

    1. Yesterday I saw a very beautifil embroidered cheese-cloth kaftan.

    2. My sister has a dream - dark blue ripped denim jeans.

    3. There were many funky ethnic bright accessories in the museum.

    4. Last summer I went to Egypt and bought there wonderful leather sandals.

    5. In some countries it is fasionable to wear very nice brightly coloured baggy trousers.

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