
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от Аккаунт удален

Помогите срочно! с Английским языком!  

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан vera98

    У видела только нижнюю картинку!!Перефотаграфируй первую, решу!!

    -What's Robbie going to do on Monday?

    -He's going to buy present for Mum.

    -What's Robbie going to do on Monday?

    -He's going to play tennis with Jill.

    -What's Robbie going to do on Monday?

    -He's going to clean his room.

    -What's Robbie going to do on Monday?

    -He's going to go to cinema.

  2. Ответ
    Ответ дан Iag2003

    1. - What is Robbie goint to do on Monday?

        - He's going to help his Dad in the garden.

    2. - What is Robbie going to do next week?

        - He's going to buy present for Mum.

    3. - What is Robbie going to do on Saturday?

        - He's going to play tennis with Jill.

    4. - What is Robbie going to do next Friday?

        - He's going to clean his room.

    5. - What is Robbie going to do on Sunday?

        - He' going to go to the cinema.

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