
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от SHPIS

Помогите пожалуйста.
Make questions.Give short answers.
  -Yes,...................(He is eating salad)
  -Yes,...................(He eat salad)
3. -..............................their homework at the moment?
  -Yes,...................(They are doing their homework at the moment)
4.-...............................their homework after school?
  -Yes,....................(They do their homework after school)
5.-.............................on the computer?
  -Yes,.....................(She is working on the computer)
  -Yes,.....................(She is cooking meat)
  -Yes,.....................(She cooks meat)
8.-..................................................many apples?
  -Yes,......................(She has got a lot of apples)
9.-..................................................a good time?
  -Yes,......................(She had a good time)
10.-...........................................five lessons tomorrow?
  -Yes,......................(She will have five lessons tomorrow)

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан nunny
    1. - Is he eating salad?   -Yes, he is.
    2. - Does he eat salad?   -Yes, he does.
    3. - Are they doing their homework at the moment?   -Yes, they
    4. - Do they do their homework after school?   -Yes, they do.
    5. - Is she working on the computer?   -Yes,. she is.
    6. - Is she cooking meat?   -Yes, she is.
    7. - Does she eat meat?   -Yes, she does.
    8. - Has she got many apples?   -Yes, she has.
    9. - Did she have a good time?   -Yes, she did.
    10. - Will she have five lessons tomorrow?   -Yes, she will.

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