
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от chanda

раскроте скобки образуя придаточные условия первого типа
1) if he (to get a ticket), he (to go) to the theatre.
2) if they (to take) turns, they(not to quarrel)
3)if she ( to get back) early,she ( to have) time to go homewok.
4)if they (to respect) each other, they ( to resolve) conflict peacefully.
5) if the parents (to buy) a new TV set,the family (to have) no money for food.

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан nunny
    1) If he gets a ticket, he will go to the theatre.
    2) If they take turns, they will not quarrel.
    3) If she gets back early, she will have time to go homework.
    4 ) If they respect each other, they
    will resolve conflict peacefully.
    5) If the parents buy a new TV set, the family
    will have no money for food.

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