
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от nmalinovskaya

Как правильно прочитать английские слова по русски
Listen, read and answer. What does Goldilocks see? What does Goldiloks like?
Goldilocks- What a nice house! It's got two little windows and big door.
Goldilocks- Hello! Oh, a table and three chairs. I'm tired. Iwant to sit a little.
Goldilocks- The big chair isn't good.  The little chair is fine. I like it.
Goldilocks- And wha's this? Three plates and three spoons. Oh,  I'm hungry.
I don't like the soup in the big plate. And I don't like the soup in the middle-sized plate. I like the soup in the little plate. Yum, yum.
Goldilocks- What's in this room? Three beds. Great! I want to sleep a little. I can't climb the big bed. And I can't climb the middle-sized bed. But I can climb the little bed. I like it. And it's near the window. 
Mummy bear- Look! What a mess!
Daddy bear- Who's sat on my big chair?
Mummy bear-Who's sat on my midlle-sized chair?
Little bear- Who's sat on my little chair? Where's my porridge?
Daddy bear- Who's  slept in my big bed?
Mummy bear-Who's  slept in my middle-sized bed?
Little bear- Who's slept in mi ...? Look! A girl!
Goldilocks- Goodbye, bears!

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан малакеев
    лисен реад над анцвдр .вот дойс голдилоцк си? вот дойс.голдилоцк лайке голдилоцк - вот ай найс хаус ! итис грот фо литтл виндовсс энд бигмен дозор голдилоцк хелоу !ох а тейбол энд фрии чеирс . И ТАК ДАЛИЕ

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