
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от veronichkad

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In our English study room there is a TV-set and video.
There was a meeting with the Rrestor in the University at 5 p.m.

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан ПростоЛёка
    In our English study room there is a TV-set and video, isn't there?
    Is there a TV-set and video in our English study room?
    Is there a TV-set and video in our English or Maths study room?
    What is there in our English study room?

    There was a meeting with the Rrestor in the University at 5 p.m, wasn't there?
    Was there a meeting with the Rrestor in the University at 5 p.m?
    Was there a meeting with the Rrestor in the University at 5 p.m or at 6 p.m?
    What was there in the University at 5 p.m?

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