
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от zimin1998

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Read the words and match them to the correct festival. Some can match more

Chocolates and a special card; decorate a tree; a stocking full of presents; join hands; flowers and small presents; help about the house; send SMS to friends and relatives; coloured lights and decoration; a spring holiday; set off fireworks; go to church; have a good time; keep it a secret; cook roast turkey and a special pudding; sing at midnight; guess who sent the card have a good time

St valentines Day
Mothers Day
New Year

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан Adelina555
    Sv valentines Day- Chocolates and a special card;  send SMS to friends and relatives, guess who sent the card have a good time 
    Christmas- a stocking full of presents, join hands,go to church,  cook roast turkey and a special pudding, sing at midnight 
    Mothers Day-  flowers and small presents; help about the house,a spring holiday 
    New Year- decorate a tree,coloured lights and decoration, set off fireworks,have a good time,  keep it a secret; 

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