
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от olydgan

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1. We wait ___________ them.
a) -
b) for
c) to
d) at
2. I can't help __________ this letter.
a) to write
b) writing
c) write
d) have written
3. There is ______________ I want to tell you.
a) something
b) anything
c) somebody
d) nobody
4. I shall listen to you when I ______________ this form.
a) have filled
b) filled
c) filling
d) fill
5. Please look at_____________.
a) they
b) their
c) theirs
d) them
6. _______________ are you talking to?
a) Why
b) Whom
c) What
d) Whose
7. Every evening I ask her if_____________ at home.
a) are her children
b) her children
c) her children are
d) her children is
8. After ____________ a letter he left.
a) writing
b) write
c) wrote
d) written
9. She was dressed ___________ red.
a) in
b) -
c) with
d) at

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан LilyYilmaz
    1. We wait ___________ them.
    a) -
    b) for
    c) to
    d) at
    2. I can't help __________ this letter.
    a) to write
    b) writing
    c) write
    d) have written
    3. There is ______________ I want to tell you.
    a) something
    b) anything
    c) somebody
    d) nobody
    4. I shall listen to you when I ______________ this form.
    a) have filled
    b) filled
    c) filling
    d) fill
    5. Please look at_____________.
    a) they
    b) their
    c) theirs
    d) them
    6. _______________ are you talking to?
    a) Why
    b) Whom
    c) What
    d) Whose
    7. Every evening I ask her if_____________ at home.
    a) are her children
    b) her children
    c) her children are
    d) her children is
    8. After ____________ a letter he left.
    a) writing
    b) write
    c) wrote
    d) written
    9. She was dressed ___________ red.
    a) in
    b) -
    c) with
    d) at

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