
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от olydgan

Выберите правильный вариант ответа
1. He said his neighbours_______________ their children.
a) punish
b) punished
c) are punishing
d) have punished
2.  It was understood ______________ everybody.
a) to
b) with
c) by
d) -
3. I wish I ___________ a letter to you.
a) write
b) written
c) wrote
d) am writing
4. __________ do you want, tea or coffe?
a) Which
b) What
c) When
d) Why
5. It is the fastest car ___________ I have driven.
a) that
b) what
c) which
d) whom
6. The money _____________ in one day.
a)were earned
b) was earned
c) was earn
d) has earned
7. When they came it ____________ for days.
a) had rained
b) has rained
c) rained
d) have rained
8. When he ____________ seven he will go to school.
a) will be
b) be
c) is
d) -
9. Her telephone number is three, ________, three, two, one.
a) nought
b) nil
c) zero
d) oh
10. John told us it ___________ possible.
a) is
b) will be
c) would be
d) is not
11. The floor is__________.
a) slippery
b) dense
c) oppressive
d) severe
12. Our house is _________ school.
a) outside
b) next to
c) over
d) under
13. All _____________ we  have bought is in your room.
a) which
b) what
c) who
d) that
14. Is there much ___________ in summer?
a) thaw
b) dew
c) ice
d) frost
15. My sister has _________ shirts than my friend.
a) little
b) few
c) fewer
d) less
16. They say it _________________ sufficient.
a) will not be
b) would not be
c) will be not
d) would be not

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан nunny
    1. b) punished
    2. c) by
    3. c) wrote
    4. a) Which
    5. a) that
    6. b) was earned
    7. a) had rained
    8. c) is
    9. d) oh
    10. c) would be
    11. a) slippery
    12. b) next to
    13. d) that
    14. b) dew
    15. c) fewer
    16. a) will not be

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