
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от ElenaBro

Use Reported Speech
l. She said: "I like oranges better than
bananas." 2. The music teacher said (to me): "You play the piece very
well." 3. "Are you busy now?" he asked. 4. The dean said:
"I want to have a word with you." 5. "Do you always have
ice-cream for dessert?" she asked. 6. "We'll have enough time to
finish the work," the workers said. 7. The teacher asked: "How long
will it take you to prepare your talk?" 8. My mother asked: "Why are
you so sad?" 9. "Shall I open the window?" the student asked.
10. The boy said: "I'll never smoke again." 11. The librarian said:
"There are a lot of English books in our library." 12. "Do you
know why he is absent?" the teacher asked.

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан LilyYilmaz
    l. She said: "I like oranges better than bananas."
    She said that she liked oranges better than bananas
    2. The music teacher said (to me): "You play the piece very well."
    The music teacher said that I played the piece very well
    3. "Are you busy now?" he asked.
    He asked if I was busy then
    4. The dean said: "I want to have a word with you."
    The dean said he wanted to have a word with me
    5. "Do you always have ice-cream for dessert?" she asked.
    She asked if I always had  ice-cream for dessert
    6. "We'll have enough time to finish the work," the workers said.
    The workers said that they would have enough time to finish the work
    7. The teacher asked: "How long will it take you to prepare your talk?"
    The teacher asked  how long it would take me to prepare me talk 
    8. My mother asked: "Why are you so sad?"
    My mother asked why I was so sad
    9. "Shall I open the window?" the student asked.
    The student asked if he would open the window
    10. The boy said: "I'll never smoke again."
    The boy said that he would never smoke again
     11. The librarian said: "There are a lot of English books in our library."
    The librarian said that there were a lot of English books in their library
    12. "Do you know why he is absent?" the teacher asked.
    The teacher asked if I knew why he was absent
  2. Ответ
    Ответ дан nunny
    l. She said that she liked oranges better than bananas.
    2. The music teacher said to me that I played the piece very well.
    3. He asked me if I was busy at that time.
    4. The dean said that he wanted to have a word with me.
    She asked me if I always had ice-cream for dessert.
    6. T
    he workers said that they would have enough time to finish the work.
    7. The teacher asked me how long it would take me to prepare my talk.
    8. My mother asked me why I was very sad.
    9. The student asked if he should
    open the window.
    10. The boy said that he would never smoke again.
    11. The librarian said that there were
    a lot of English books in their library.
    12. The teacher asked me if I knew
    why he was absent.

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