
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от 2DROTS7


  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан FosterThePeople


    1. arrived

    2. closed

    3. were sleeping

    4. were taking off

    5. saw

    6. opened

    7. read

    8. put

    9. picked up

    10. went

    11. was

    12. wasn't raining

    13. were walking

    14. crossed

    15. followed

    16. didn't know

    17. were going

    18. didn't want


  2. Ответ
    Ответ дан mrwexler58

    It was past midnight when Helen arrived home. She closed the door quietly because her parents were sleeping upstairs. As she were taking off her coat, she saw a letter on the floor with he name on it. She opened the letter and read it. Then she put it in her pocket, picked up her coat and went out again. It was a cold night but it wasn't raining. A few people were walking towards the High Street, so Helen crossed the road and followed them. She didn't know where they were going - but she didn't want to he alone.

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