
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от A1isa17


  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан FosterThePeople


    Exercise 3

    b) Have you ever been to India?

    c) What are you going to do tomorrow?

    d) What makes you happy?

    e) Why are you looking at me?

    f) When do you usually leave your home?

    g) Do you like swimming?

    h) Who lives there?

    Exercise 4

    b) isn't it?

    c) are we?

    d) aren't you?

    e) has he?

    f) won't they?

    g) were you?

    h) does she?

    Exercise 5

    b) Who lives here?

    c) If I were rich I would buy a big car!

    d) You haven't got a pen, have you?

    e) What does this mean?

    f) You're Helen, aren't you?

    g) How much does this cost?

    h) If I were you, I wouldn't sit in the sun.


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