
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от sashabiven

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  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан FosterThePeople


    1. a) is b) are c) are d) are

    2. a) copies b) wolves c) bushes d) children e) mice

    3. a) much b) much c) many

    4. a) -, the b) -, the c) -, the

    5. a) they won't grow... b) I am not having... c) She didn't help us... d) He doesn't see us...

    6. a) Do you go for a walk... b) Will he come... c) Is she baking... d) Did Mother sew...

    7. a) Is there water in your glass?

    b) Are there two cats in the box?

    c) There are many apples in the basket

    8. a) take b) cooks c) likes d) prefer

    9. a) had b) wrote c) couldn't speak

    10. a) We will celebrate... b) She will work... c) Greg will stop...

    11. a) I have already done...b) haven't discussed c) has worked

    12. a) I have heard b) sand c) have known

    13. a) had b) We would have gone... c) phones

    14. a) Charles said that he would do it the following week

    b) Jane said that they liked ice-cream

    c) Jill said that Mark had already cooked the dinner

    d) Mother said that she was washing up

    e) Max said that he was exhausted

    15. a) Mineral water is produced by them.

    b) Anna Karenina was written by Tolstoy.

    c) Coffe will be made by my sister.


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