
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от guman47

Помогите сделать английский пожалуйста!!!​

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан alexnotmlgtwitch


    • They enjoy spending time in the garden (b)
    • Smoking is dangerous for your health (a)
    • Jane has stopped to drink coffee because she is on a diet (a)
    • Would you mind to open the window? (a)
    • He left the shop without paying for the ball (d)
    • She was well-known for singing Ukrainian folk songs (c)
    • He apologized for being so late (a)
    • He was tired of talking to the child (b)
    • She kept on writing in silence (c)
    • She cannot go to bed without speaking to you once more (d)
    • We shall look forward to seeing you (b)
    • I was afraid of saying the wrong thing (a)
    • They were in the habit of coming to London for week-ends (c)
    • He looked at me for a long time without answering (d)
    • I shall never forget going to America for the first time (b)
    • They hate sitting in this awful room day after day (c)
    • He had difficulty in doing the crossword (a)
    • Driving fast is dangerous for everyone (b)


    1. Ответ
      Ответ дан JanuaryFebruary
      Jane has stopped drinking coffee because she is on a diet - means that she doesn't drink coffee any more as she is on diet :)
    2. Ответ
      Ответ дан JanuaryFebruary
      Would you mind to open the window? -> Would you mind opening the window?
    3. Ответ
      Ответ дан JanuaryFebruary
      mind + ing
    4. Ответ
      Ответ дан alexnotmlgtwitch
      I don't get what are you point out, but can you please stop spamming comment section
    5. Ответ
      Ответ дан JanuaryFebruary
      ok, if it's spam I'm a bit surprised so next time I will report
  2. Ответ
    Ответ дан JanuaryFebruary


    151 b

    152 a

    153 c

    154 b

    155 d

    156 c

    157 a

    158 b

    159 c

    160 d

    161 b

    162 a

    163 c

    164 d

    165 b

    166 c

    167 a

    168 b

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