
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от shirachyan2000

Помогите решить до завтра нужно

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан FosterThePeople


    Exercise 1

    1. Shopkeeper, shoplifter, shopaholic

    2. do the shopping, online shopping, window shopping

    3. Shopping bag, shopping cart, shopping mall

    Exercise 2

    1. clothes

    2. a lot of toys

    3. stationery

    4. furniture

    5. Appliances

    6. jewelry

    Exercise 3

    1. I'm looking for

    2. size

    3. I'm already being helped thanks.

    4. dress room

    5. I'll buy it

    6. register

    Exercise 4

    1. but it already broke down

    2. missing

    3. shrink

    4. hole

    5. return

    6. refund

    7. check

    8. replace


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