
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от Artur1505

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1. Friends do not _____other friends’ secrets.
a. Ask c. say
b. Give away d. tell
2. Have John and Freda _____or are they still not talking to each other?
a. Made up c. gone out
b. Broken up d. hung out
3. What are you going to _____ to the party on Saturday?
a. Put on c. wear
b. Dress d. try on
4. Is the event formal or ______?
a. Smart c. fashionable
b. Trendy d. casual
5. What you decide to study at university will depend _____ what you’re interested in?
a. For c. with
b. From d. on
6. Will we _____ the chance to visit the library on the college tour?
a. Have c. make
b. Take d. do
7. Maths is my favourite _____ at school.
a. Lesson c. class
b. Study d. subject
8. In Italy in 1345, it didn’t stop raining for six months causing _____ in many parts of the country.
a. Droughts c. hurricanes
b. Floods d. heatwaves
9. I have _____ of printer paper and need to get some more.
a. Run out c. cut down
b. Given off d. given up
10. I ____Julie €100 and I don’t know when I’ll be able to pay her back.
a. Borrowed c. gave
b. Lent d. owe
11. I’ve never seen a €500 ___. Have you?
a. Coin c. credit card
b. Currency d. note
12. Stop ___ excuses and get on with it!
a. Doing c. making

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан reddybangart

    1) d

    2) a

    3) c

    4) d

    5) d

    6) a

    7) b

    8) b

    9) a

    10) a

    11) a

    12) c

  2. Ответ
    Ответ дан mitinapolik
    1. D

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