
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от mariysado22

Для знатоков английского!) Кто сможет справиться? Буду очень благодарна. Переведите, пожалуйста, текст без помощи переводчика с русского языка на английский. Спасибо!
На сегодняшний день значение деревьев в нашем мире очень велико. Одни люди считают, что вырубка деревьев- это одна из самых серьёзных проблем современности, в то время как другие думают, что это просто возобновляемый ресурс, который делает жизнь человека лучше. Who is right? The question is controversial. Now I am going to express my point of view and debate with my opponents.

Personally, I strongly believe that вырубка лесов приводит к огромному количеству негативных последствий. Firstly, вырубка деревьев приводит к резким температурным перепадам, изменениям в количестве выпадающих осадков и скорости ветров. Secondly, исчезают многие виды животных, потому что уничтожение экосистемы приводит к гибели почти всего живого. Thirdly, ухудшается качество жизни. Речь идет как о невозможности добычи пропитания, так и об ухудшении психологического состояния.

However, there is another opinion that вырубка лесов необходимая мера для улучшения жизни людей. To begin with, дерево - прекрасный строительный материал. Особенно любят использовать его при строительстве зданий и производстве мебели. Also, некоторые сухие деревья опасны для человека во времена стихийных бедствий.

Undoubtedly, вырубка лесов может быть полезна для человека. Yet, I insist on что это является серьезной экологической проблемой потому что все больше территорий становится непригодной для жизни.

In conclusion, I can say that людям нужно изменить свое отношение к природе. Каждый человек может внести свой вклад в возрождение лесов планеты тем, что посадит хотя бы одно дерево.

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан gerasimovich1324


    Today the value of trees in our world is very high. Some people believe that cutting down trees is one of the most serious problems of our time, while others think that this is just a renewable resource that makes a person’s life better. Who is right? The question is controversial. I’m going to express my opinion.

    Personally, I strongly believe that deforestation leads to a huge number of negative consequences. Firstly, cutting down trees leads to sharp temperature changes, changes in the amount of precipitation and wind speed. Secondly, many animal species disappear, because the destruction of the ecosystem leads to the death of almost all living things. Thirdly, the quality of life is deteriorating. It is both about the impossibility of the extraction of food, and the deterioration of the psychological state.

    However, there is another opinion that deforestation is a necessary measure to improve people's lives. To begin with, wood is an excellent building material. Especially love to use it in the construction of buildings and furniture production. Also, some dry trees are dangerous to humans in times of natural disasters.

    Undoubtedly, deforestation may be beneficial to humans. Yet, I insist on that this is a serious environmental problem because more and more territories become uninhabitable.

    In conclusion, I can say that people need to change their attitude to nature. Each person can contribute to the revival of the world's forests by planting at least one tree.


  2. Ответ
    Ответ дан 4epnuka
    Today the value of trees in our world is very high. Some people believe that cutting down trees is one of the most serious problems of our time, while others think that this is just a renewable resource that makes a person’s life better. Who is right? The question is controversial. I’m going to express my opinion.

    Personally, I strongly believe that deforestation leads to a huge number of negative consequences. Firstly, cutting down trees leads to sharp temperature changes, changes in the amount of precipitation and wind speed. Secondly, many animal species disappear, because the destruction of the ecosystem leads to the death of almost all living things. Thirdly, the quality of life is deteriorating. It is both about the impossibility of the extraction of food, and the deterioration of the psychological state.

    However, there is another opinion that deforestation is a necessary measure to improve people's lives. To begin with, wood is an excellent building material. Especially love to use it in the construction of buildings and furniture production. Also, some dry trees are dangerous to humans in times of natural disasters.

    Undoubtedly, deforestation may be beneficial to humans. Yet, I insist on that this is a serious environmental problem because more and more territories become uninhabitable.

    In conclusion, I can say that people need to change their attitude to nature. Each person can contribute to the revival of the world's forests by planting at least one tree.

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