
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от petakovdamir07

Исправь предложения,используя Pesent simple и Present continuos

1.I’m never going to the cinema on Saturday night.
2.She’s sometimes watching TV in the evening.
3.At the moment I do my homework.
4.I phone my friend in London now.
5.We’re never starting school at eight o’clock in England.
6.Stuart listens to music at the moment
7.Mary and Lorna are often playing volleyball on Saturday morning.
8.Look! Eric swims in the sea.

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан vikatish

     1. I never go to the cinema on Saturday night.

    2.She sometimes watches TV in the evening.

    3.At the moment I am doing my homework.

    4.I am phoning my friend in London now.

    5.We never start school at eight o’clock in England.  

    6.Stuart is listening to music at the moment

    7.Mary and Lorna often play volleyball on Saturday morning.

    8.Look! Eric is swimming in the sea.

    1. Ответ
      Ответ дан petakovdamir07
      Спасибо большое
  2. Ответ
    Ответ дан viy999

    1.I never go to the cinema on Saturday night.

    2.She sometimes watches TV in the evening.

    3.At the moment I am doing my homework.

    4.I am phoning my friend in London now.

    5.We never start school at eight o’clock in England.

    6.Stuart is listening to music at the moment.

    7.Mary and Lorna often play volleyball on Saturday morning.

    8.Look! Eric is swimming in the sea.

    1. Ответ
      Ответ дан petakovdamir07
      Спасибо большое

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