
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от siyata121618

Пж, даю 20 баллов!!!

Make up negative sentences. Write the full sentences with short verb forms (didn’t, wasn’t, weren’t):
1. Kim bought a new computer last month.
2. Harry ate five toffee apples last time.
3. We were in the park yesterday.

Open the brackets using Past Simple. Write down 4 answers with comma (,).

1. The cat ________________ (escape) from the garden.
2. They ________________ (agree) with me about the album.
3. He ________________ (try) to start the car.
4. We ________________ (enjoy) the funfair a lot.

Open the brackets using Past Simple. Write down 4 answers with comma (,).

1. Tell me, what ____________ (happen)?
2. She _____________ (stop) at a zebra crossing.
3. I ______________ (carry on) working until late.
4. Alfie _______________ (fail) his driving test again.

Write questions in the past simple. Write your questions with 'you' (subject).

1. you/ go/ shopping/ with a friend?

2. you/ do/ any homework?

3. you/ visit/ your parents?

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан nastya110293

    1. Kim didn't buy a new computer last month.

    2. Harry didn't eat five toffee apples last time.

    3. We weren't in the park yesterday.

    Escaped, agreed, tried, enjoyed

    Happened, stopped, carried on, failed

    1. Did you go shopping with a friend?

    2. Did you do any homework?

    3. Did you visit your parents?

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