
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от Vlazhniytanos

хэлпа счюпочеророооо​

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан caatel

    red - redder - reddest

    old - older - oldest

    difficult - more difficult - most difficult

    noisy - noisier - noisiest

    smart - smarter - smartest

    exciting - more exciting - most exciting

    good - better - best

    small - smaller - smallest

    bad - worse - worst

    brave - braver - bravest

    1. better

    2. more fashoinable

    3. more comfortable

    4. happier

    5. the prettiest

    6. older

    7. most attractive

    8. most fun

    9. longer

    10. taller

    From my piont of view it's necessary to eat a healthy food, beacuse it helps us to keep fit. Moreover it provides us a lot of vitamins that are very valuable for us. When you eat this food you'll feel good. The most important thing is to drink water as mush as possible, it also helps us to be healthy and active.

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