
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от vika404079

загадка на англиском про полярного медведя​

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан MaryFairy211


    I am big and white and furry

    And I like to swim and run.

    I eat seals for my meals

    And weigh about half a ton.


    I live in the Arctic Circle

    And I have fur that is white.

    I live in water and on ice

    And have a very strong bite.


    I’m white but I’m not snow.

    I like to swim but I’m not a fish.

    I’m a large mammal but I’m not a whale.

    I’m furry but I’m not a dog.

    I live near the north pole but I’m not Santa.

    What am I?

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