
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от mamuelalab

Look, read and choose.
1   There is/are a sofa in front of/behind the window.
2  There is/are two cats on/under the sofa.
3  There is/are some books on /next to the sofa.
4  There is/are some glasses on/in the cupboard.
5  There is/are a ball under/next to the cupboard.
6  There is/are a lamp behind/in the books (помогите переводом)

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан amartynov2005
    There is a sofa in front of the window. Там диван напротив окна
    There are two cats on the sofa. Там два кота на диване
    The are some books on the sofa. Там несколько книг на диване
    There are some glasses on the cupboard. Там несколько стаканов на тумбе
    There is a ball under the cupboard. Там мяч под тумбой
    There is a lamp behind the books. Там лампа за книгами

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