
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от Noobo

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Тест. Вариант 3

Read and choose the right answer:

1.If the weather is good, we ………the children to the park.

a) took

b) will take

c) taken

d) have taken

2.In the future, everyone…… the Moon.

a) is flying

b) flies

c) fly

d) will fly

3…….any students from Hungary in my class.

a) It isn’t

b) There isn’t

c) It hasn’t

d) There aren’t

4………..from Italy?

a) Does you come

b) Is you come

c) Do you come

d) Are you come

5. Helen……… Paris last year.

a) went

b) has gone

c) goes

d) had gone

6.This is the…………film I’ve ever seen.

a) worse

b) most bad

c) bad

d) worst

7. The hotel……….by a large fire in 1999.

a) is destroyed

b) destroy

c) was destroyed

d) destroys

8. Dad can’t come to the phone because he……………..the ceiling.

a) will whitewash

b) is whitewashing

c) whitewashes

d) whitewashed

9.Henry drives too fast, ……….he?

a) isn’t

b) doesn’t

c) won’t

d) don’t

10…………..happened to your car?

a) Which

b) Who

c) What

d) Why

11.There isn’t………coffee in the cup.

a) many

b) some

c) much

d) lots of

12. Butter………from milk/

a) are made

b) made

c) makes

d) is made

13. I am right,……….?

a) amn’t I

b) am I

c) aren’t I

d) don’t I

14. You won’t understand the rule if you……… the teacher.

a) don’t listen

b) won’t listen

c) didn’t listen

d) doesn’t listen

15. If I hadn’t have a bad headache yesterday, I …………to see you.

a) came

b) would have come

c) had come

d) would come

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан aesonne

    1) b

    2) d

    3) b

    4) c

    5) a

    6) d

    7) c

    8) b

    9) b

    10) c

    11) c

    12) d

    13) c

    14) a

    15) b

  2. Ответ
    Ответ дан Darmi0506

    1b 2d 3b 4c 5b 6d 7c 8d 9a 10c 11c 12c 13b 14a 15d

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