
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от Светлячок888

Помогииите пожалуйста!

Fill in anything, something, somewhere or anybody.

A: What are you doing Alex?

B: Not much. I am just making 1) ..........
to decorate my room.

A: What is it?
B: Does it remind you of 2) ……………?

A: I've seen it 3) but I can't remember where.
B: It's in Chinese kite.

A: Did 4)…………… Show you how to make it?
B: Yes, the old man down the street.

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан sitkinv

    Fill in anything, something, somewhere or anybody.

    A: What are you doing Alex?

    B: Not much. I am just making something........

    to decorate my room.

    A: What is it?

    B: Does it remind you of anything……………?

    A: I've seen it  somewhere but I can't remember where.

    B: It's in Chinese kite.

    A: Did anybody………… Show you how to make it?

    B: Yes, the old man down the street.

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