
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от cacazhfpybwf

Choose the correct items.
1. The English word “law” … to limits upon various forms of behaviour.

a) refers
b) rejects
c) amends

2. Laws … how people ought to behave
a) decide
b) prescribe
c) suggest

3. Law essentially … two functions in modern society
a) constitutes
b) regulates
c) serves

4.Law of a country may be analyzed as a … of rules.
a) selection
b) set
c) collection

5. Case Law arises out of disputes and may be found in the … of courts.
a) decisions
b) agreements
c) debates

6.Various customs, usages have been developed throughout the history of British … tradition.
a) common
b) legal
c) state

7. Court decision will become a new … for courts to follow in the future.
a) plan
b) code
c) precedent

8. Where there is no system of Case Law the work of the judge is … new
rules of law.
a) to follow
b) to develop
c) to enforce

9. Case Law is much richer in … than any code of law.
a) chapters
b) articles
c) detail

10. … rules are the product of difficulties which arise in everyday life.
a) Case Law
b) Statutory Law
c) Civil Law

11. … is one of the greatest systems that has ever existed.
a) Greek law
b) Roman Law
c) Hebrew Law

12. Napoleon … Roman Law in 1804.
a) codified
b) created
c) developed

13. Law is one of the most basic … institutions.
a) legal
b) social
c) civil

14. The law sets penalties for people who … the rules
a) violate
b) create
c) define

15. Judges could expand precedents to make them … particular cases
a) suit
b) fix
c) exist

16. Constitutional law continues the common-lawtradition of … the people’s
rights and liberties.
a) adopting
b) developing
c) defending

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан lerokpru

    1. refers

    2.  suggest

    3. serves

    4. set

    5. agreements

    6. common

    7. precedent

    8. to develop

    9. detail

    10. civil law

    11. ? это вы сами должны были учить

    12. created

    13. legal

    14. violate

    15. suit

    16. developing

    1. Ответ
      Ответ дан cacazhfpybwf
      сорян перепутала оценку, спасибо огромное

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