
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от aigultalgat68

Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
Example: My brother _____ Russian.
A speak B speaks C do speak
1 If the shop is open, _____ some fruit.
A I buy B I’ll buy C I’d buy
2 She _____ speak to you again if you do that.
A doesn’t B wouldn’t C won’t
3 If you _____ time, will you help me?
A have B will have C had
4 What _____ she do if she lost her job?
A will B would C did
5 If I _____ English better, I’d get a job in a hotel.
A speak B spoke C will speak
6 We aren’t sure but we _____ go away this weekend.
A might to B will C might
7 She _____ at home. Her car isn’t there.
A may not be B may not to be C might to be
8 You _____ walk home at night. It’s dangerous.
A should B shouldn’t C shouldn’t to
9 I think they _____ buy a new car.
A should B should to C must
10 I _____ listen to him if I were you.
A wouldn’t B won’t C don’t
11 If we _____ queues, the other queue will move quicker.
A changed B change C would change
12 She’ll be really happy if we _____ her to our party.
A invited B invite C would invite
13 If they _____ arrive in five minutes, we’ll go.
A didn’t B haven’t C don’t
14 _____ you stop working if you won the lottery?
A Would B Will C Do
15 If I _____ you, I wouldn’t go to London in the winter.
A was B were C could be
16 We would travel more if we didn’t _____ children.
A had B to have C have
17 Take a map because you _____ get lost.
A might B might not C should
18 You might _____ like the film. It’s very violent.
A to not B not to C not
19 You shouldn’t _____ a lot of coffee. It’s bad for you.
A to drink B drink C drank
20 I don’t think you _____ go out tonight. You’re very tired.
A may B shouldn’t C should
a Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences with the correct verb.
Example: I always weara suit to work.
A carry B wear C try
1 We should hurry or we’ll _____ the bus.
A miss B lose C catch
2 A party is a good place to _____ people.
A know B look like C meet
3 Don’t forget to _____ your homework.
A do B make C write
4 My sister _____ my mother.
A looks B like C looks like
5 He _____ the photograph.
A watched B looked at C looked
b Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences with the correct animal.
Example: A mosquito bit me last night when I was sleeping.
A dolphin B mosquito C butterfly
6 _____ have very long necks.
A Bears B Lions C Giraffes
7 Be careful! There's a _____ on that flower.
A bee B butterfly C duck
8 Mickey _____ is a famous Disney character.
A Cow B Mouse C Kangaroo
9 The _____ is the king of the jungle.
A tiger B whale C lion
10 A _____ is a very dangerous fish.
A shark B whale C dolphin
c Tick () A , B, or C to form the correct noun.
Example: imagin_____ A -asion B -etion C -ation 
11 educ_____
A -asion B -ation C -ate
12 elect_____
A -ion B -ision C -icion
13 inform_____
A -asion B -ent C -ation
14 confus_____
A -ion B -ement C -ation
15 invit_____
A -esion B -ation C -ision
d Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
Example: I get upat 7.30 every day. A up B down C on
16 My sister and her boyfriend are getting _____ next year.
A married B marry C marrying
17 He studies a lot and his English is getting _____.
A best B better C the best
18 She got _____ the bus and walked home.
A on B to C off
19 I get _____ well with my brothers and sisters.
A on B to C off
20 I left work at six and got _____ at 6.30.
A the house B the home C home

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан MrKrualy

    1) B;

    2) B;

    3) A;

    4) A;

    5) A:

    6) C;

    7) A;

    8) B:

    9) A;

    10) A;

    11) B;

    12) B;

    13) C;

    14) A;

    15) B;

    16) C;

    17) A;

    18) C;

    19) B;

    20) C.


    1) A;

    2) C;

    3) A;

    4) C;

    5) B;

    6) C;

    7) A;

    8) B;

    9) C;

    10) A;

    11) B;

    12) A;

    13) C;

    14) A;

    15) B;

    16) A;

    17) B;

    18) C;

    19) A;

    20) C.


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