
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от elenakokorina17647

Пожайлусто помогите с заданием дополнить разделительные вопросы СРОЧНО!!!!! УМОЛЯЮ задание номер 8

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан Juliyasha11

    I am a student,aren’t I?

    There is a hospital next to my house, isn’t there?

    He won’t help me, will he?

    It wasn’t sunny yesterday m was it?

    I am not reading now, am I?

    You will go to the gym, won’t you?

    They were busy yesterday, weren’t they?

    They aren’t riding their bikes right now , are they?

    There wasn’t any milk in the fridge,was there?

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