
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от Veseliviliya2003

Make up questions:

1) The wind moved the leaves. (When?)

2) The train arrives at 12 o'clock. (General Question)

3) You will find yourself without any friends. (Special Question)

4) The squirrels are playing in the tree now.. (To the subject)

5) They were cleaning the carpet yesterday at 5 o'clock. (Tag Question)

6) They have already been reading this book for a month (Alternative)

7). Russian science has achieved great results. (Indirect)

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан Volga2018

    1) When did the wind move the leaves?

    2) Does the train arrive at 12 o'clock?

    3) Who will you find yourself without?

    4) Who is playing in the tree now?

    5) They were cleaning the carpet yesterday at 5 o'clock, weren't they?

    6) Have they already been reading this book for a month or two months?

    7). Do you know if Russian science has achieved great results?

    1. Ответ
      Ответ дан Volga2018
      7-вопрос можно также сделать специальным: Do you know what results Russian science has achieved? или Can you tell me what results Russian science has achieved?

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