
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от arteomrybckin2

Complete the dialogs using Past Simple or Present Perfect.

1) ________________(you/ever/see) the film ‘Titanic’? 2) Yes! ________________(I/see) ‘Titanic’ last year. 3) ____________ (I/love) the song ‘My heart will go on’ 4) I never liked this song! ______________ (you/always/like) romantic songs and films? 5) Not really! ______________ (I/watch) science fiction films when I was young. 6) _______________ (you/ever/see) ‘The Matrix’? It has a great soundtrack! 7) No, but _____________ (I/watch) ‘The Lord of the rings’ last week on TV. 8) Oh, really? ______________ (I/not/see) that yet.

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан Juliyasha11

    1) Have you ever seen the film ‘Titanic’? 2) Yes! I saw Titanic’ last year. 3) I loved the song ‘My heart will go on’ 4) I never liked this song! I have always liked romantic songs and films? 5) Not really! I watched science fiction films when I was young. 6) Have you ever seen ‘The Matrix’? It has a great soundtrack! 7) No, but I watched ‘The Lord of the rings’ last week on TV. 8) Oh, really? I have not seen that yet.

  2. Ответ
    Ответ дан moonchimin
    1) have you ever seen
    2) saw
    3) loved
    4) did you always like
    5) i watched
    6) have you ever seen
    7) i watched
    8) haven’t seen

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