
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от vladbro578

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Directions: Complete the following sentences using the correct form of going to or will with the verb provided. Be prepared to explain the reason for your choice. (Remember that sometimes you can use either going to or will.)

6. Frank _________________ (take) a two week holiday next year.
7. That box looks very heavy. I________________ (help) you carry it.
8. I bought some paint because I _________________(paint) my apartment.
9. He ______________ (wear) a black tuxedo to the wedding. What __________you
____________ (wear)? 10. Why did you take the sugar out of the cupboard? I
________________ (bake) a cake.
11. They took money out of the bank because they ________________ (buy) a new
TV for their daughter.
12. It’s very hot in here. I ____________________ (open) the window for you.
13. The weatherman says it ________________ (be) a beautiful day tomorrow. I
think I ____________ (go) to
the beach.
14. Your car engine doesn’t sound very good. It sounds like it _________________
(die). 15. We probably __________________(not/go) to the party next week.
16. “Can I please talk to the manager?”
“He __________________ (be) with you in a moment.”
17. The plane ________________ (arrive) on time.
18. The Andersons went to the travel agent yesterday. They ____________ (buy)
their tickets tomorrow. 19. We ____________________ (see) that new movie tonight.
Do you want to come with us?
20. Allan _________________ (get) up early tomorrow so he can go fishing.
21. I _______________ (help) you with your work tomorrow.
22. “Do you have any holiday plans?”
“Yes. We ____________________ (take) a Mediterranean cruise.”
23. “Ronnie can’t drive me to the airport.”
“That’s okay. I _________________(take) you.
24. I don’t think I ________________ (be) able to come to your party.

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан milana070907

    6 taking

    7 helping


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