
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от olya250686

Do you know what jobs people do in London? Do the task to find out!

Match people with what they have to do in their jobs:
a Beefeater
a chimney sweep
a butler
Перетащите элементы на пустые поля сверху (каждый может быть использован несколько раз)
runs a big household
cleans ash and soot from the smokeshaft
lives at 10 Downing Street and heads the government
guards the Tower and the Crown Jewels

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан manushak13

    runs a big household  -a butler

    cleans ash and soot from the smokeshaft  -a chimney sweep

    lives at 10 Downing Street and heads the government -PM

    guards the Tower and the Crown Jewelsa Beefeater

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