
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от shnjak

Подставьте подходящее по смыслу вопросительное местоимение.

1) - ....... is your jacket?
- It's the red one.

2) ....... is your birthday?
- It's next week.

3) is Mary?
- She's in her bedroom.

4) ..... long have you been waiting?
- Only five minutes.

5) .... party are you going to tonight?
- Alison's.

6) .... often do you go shopping?
- Once a week.

7) .... are you doing at the moment?
- I'm watching TV.

8) .... are you writing to?
- Uncle Tom.

9)... time do you start work?
- At nine o'clock in the morning.

10) ... many pieces of toast do you want?
- Two, please.

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан Vica176

    1) - Which is your jacket?  

    - It's the red one.  

    2) When is your birthday?  

    - It's next week.

    3) Where is Mary?  

    - She's in her bedroom.

    4) How long have you been waiting?  

    - Only five minutes.

    5) Whose party are you going to tonight?  

    - Alison's.

    6) How often do you go shopping?  

    - Once a week.

    7) What are you doing at the moment?  

    - I'm watching TV.

    8) Who are you writing to?  

    - Uncle Tom.

    9) What time do you start work?  

    - At nine o'clock in the morning.

    10) How many pieces of toast do you want?  

    - Two, please.

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