
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от Yuutoann

Помогите с английским, пожалуйста.
1 I went into the room to see what the girls (do) there.
2 We don’t get on well. He never (listen) to me.
3 The conference begins ___________ 15 October.
4 We will go to the mountains when it (get) warmer.
5 She (not come) back from Australia yet.
6 Don’t shout! Your brother (sleep).
7 Would you mind (turn off) the radio? It’s difficult to concentrate.
8 If I were you I (stay) at home. The streets are dangerous at night.
9 This work is (bad) than what you did last week.
10 The castle (build) in XV century.
11 He speaks English well. So _________________ his wife.
12 The play (finish) by the time we got to the theatre.
13 He didn’t know how to get there so he stopped (ask) the way.
14 “Where is he?” She wondered_________________.
15 I can rely on my friend. We always help_________________.
16 This time next week we (sunbathe) on the beach.
17 “When (he start) working here?” “In 2009.”
18 George said he (visit) us soon.
19 This is the house _________________ he was born.
20 She is _________________ good at mathematics as her brother.
21 “ How about (go) to the cinema?” “Sounds great.”
22 That’s (boring) book I’ve ever read.
23 Neither Susan_________________ Peter phoned us. We were really worried.
24 This is a story of three (woman): Brenda, Mandy and Allie.
25 I wish I (speak) Chinese. It would be much easier to find an interesting job!

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан YOSHIRO18

    1)Were doing

    2)He has never listened to me


    4)will have got

    5)hasn't come

    6)is sleeping

    7)turning off

    8)would stay


    10)was built

    11) (вообще хз что должен вставить)

    12)will have been finished



    15)each other

    16)will be sunbathing

    17)When he has started working here&

    18)would visit




    22)the most boring




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