
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от anastasiasword1


Задание 1.

Every year the Guineas Book of Records announces ... person in the world.

* more higher

* the highest

* highest

* highestest

Задание 2.

I am 1.9 cm ... than you are.

* tallest

* more taller

* tallier

* taller

Задание 3.

This chair is ... than the other one.

* much comfortable

* many more comfortable

* very comfortable

* more comfortable

Задание 4.

Cindy is ... girl I have ever met.

* the smartest

* smatier

* the most smartest

* smarter

Задание 5.

Cars are getting ... as the years go by.

* the cheapest

* most cheaper

* cheaper

* much more cheaper

Задание 6.

Jim’s is ... restaurant in our city.

* the expensiviest

* the more expensive

* expensivest

* the most expensive

Задание 7.

This is the ... hangover I ever had. I’m never going to drink again.

* baddest

* worst

* best

* least

Задание 8.

For ... information do not hesitate to call our assistant.

* farther

* furthest

* fastest

* further

Задание 9.

It was ... joke I have ever heard!

* more funnier

* the funniest

* the most funniest

* funnier

Задание 10.

In my opinion the tiger is ... animal of all.

* more dangerous

* the dangeroustest

* very dangerous

* the most dangerous

Задание 11.

Do you know that dinosaurs were ... than houses?

* bigger

* smaller

* the biggest

* the smallest

Задание 12.

I enjoy living in the country. It’s a lot ... than the city.

* peacefulier

* many peaceful

* more peaceful

* the most peaceful

Задание 13.

The harder he works ... he becomes.

* very successful

* the more successful

* very much successful

* the most successful

Задание 14.

The noise was getting ... until I could not bear it any longer.

* much more louder and louder

* loudest and loudest

* louder and louder

* the loudest

Задание 15.

Their car was twice as ... as ours.

* more expensive

* expensive

* expensivie

* the most expensive

Задание 16.

My best friend is ... than me.

* elder

* older

* more older

* the oldest

Задание 17.

She’s by far ... woman I have ever seen.

* more beautiful

* beautifully

* much beautiful

* the most beautiful

Задание 18.

I’ve heard James playing the piano. He doesn’t seem to be getting ... .

* gooder

* the best

* better

* the goodest

Задание 19.

My computer is really old. I need something ... .

* modernier

* more modern

* the most best

* the modernest

Задание 20.

Chemistry is ... of all subjects.

* more difficult

* the most difficult

* much more difficult

* difficultiest

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан vda99

    1 B

    2 D

    3 D

    4 A

    5 C

    6 D

    7 B

    8 A

    9 B

    10 D

    11 A

    12 C

    13 B

    14 C

    15 B

    16 B

    17 D

    18 C

    19 B

    20 B

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