
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от ValeryaP

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  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан madambellavita
    Hi, my dear friend!
    I`m glad that I got you letter! How are you? Are you fell better? Do you take the medicaments?  I understand you, becouse I live in the big city too. And sometimes, I get ill too. But  I like to live in my city. Becouse  there are a lot of different and interesting places. For example, there are cafe, shops, theatre, swemmihg pool, library, museum, and  the most important things are schools and uneversyties! One the one hand, the big city is good, but on the other hand it is bad, becouse the big city has a pollut ecology and air. So a lot of people are sick.
    I hope, you will fell better and we will meet soon.
    Write me.
    Your friend (вставишь имя)

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