
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от zilyasalahova

complete the sentens.
exampel : Paris is one of the ... cities incomplete the sentens.
exampel : Paris is one of the ... cities in the world . (beatiful)- Paris is one of the most beatiful cities in the world . 
1. The buildings in the part of the city are ... than in its centre . (modern)
2. Life in the country is ... than city life . (expensive)
3. The town is famous for its library , one of the ... in the countr. (old)
4. I think that this park is the ... in the city . (good)
5. His restaurant is one of the ... in the town . (popular)
6. This newsaget in the ... to Alice's house , isn't it?(near).

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан 6267394
    The buildings in the part of the city are much moderner than in its centre.
    Life in the country is more expensive than city life.
    The town is famous for its library, one of the oldest in the country.
    I think that this park is the best in the city.
    His restaurant is one of the most popular in the town.
    This newsaget iS the nearest to Alice's house, isn't it?

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