
Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от dbrnjhbz10122004

 Boccтанови рассказ Билли, вставив слова: 

nice, corn, have, go, forest, sweets, like. 

I am Billy. I live in the English 
I think I am very... . 
I ... got a lot of friends. 
I ... to school. I can write. 
I like ..., honey, jam and cakes. 
But I don't like cabbage and .... 
Do you ... honey and sweets? 

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан ПростоЛёка
    I am Billy. I live in the English forest
    I think I am very nice
    I have got a lot of friends. 
    I go to school. I can write. 
    I like sweets, honey, jam and cakes. 
    But I don't like cabbage and corn
    Do you like  honey and sweets? 

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