
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от zhannazaitceva

Use the third conditional:
1) If you -------- (not/be) late, we ---------- (not/miss) the bus.
2) If she -------- (study) she ------- (pass) the exam.
3) If we --------- (arrive) earlier, we ------- (see) John.
4) If they ------- (go) to bed early, they ------ (not/wake) up late.
5) If he ------ (become) a musician, he ------ (record) a CD.
6) If she ------ (go) to art school, she ------- (become) a painter.
7) If I ------- (be) born in a different country, I ------ (learn) to speak a different language. 8) If she ------- (go) to university, she ------ (study) French.
9) If we ------ (not/go) to the party, we ------- (not/meet) them.
10) If he ------- (not/take) the job, he ------- (go) travelling.
11) He ------- (be) happier if he ------ (stay) at home.
12) She ------- (pass) the exam if she ------- (study) harder.
13) We ------- (not/get) married if we ------- (not/go) to the same university.
14) They ------- (be) late if they ------- (take) a taxi.
15) She -------- (not/meet) him if she ------- (not/come) to London.
16) He -------- (take) a taxi if he ------- (have) enough money.
17) I ------ (call) you if I ------- (forget) my phone.

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан peskotskaya
    --1hadn't been, wouldn't have missed
    2had studied, would have passed
    3had arrived, would have seen
    4had gone, wouldn't have woken
    5had become, would have recorded
    6had gone, would have become

    7had been, would have learnt
    8had gone,would have studied
    9hadn't gone, wouldn't have met
    10hadn't taken, wouldn't have gone
    11would have been,  had stayed
    12would have passed,  had studied
    13woulddn't have got ,  hadn't gone

    14would have been, had taken
    15wouldn't have met, hadn't  come
    16would have taken, had had
    17would have called,had forgotten

  2. Ответ
    Ответ дан parljukljuba
    1 if you hadn't been , we wouldn't have missed the bus.
    2 if she had bought, she would have passed the exam like
    3 if we had arrived earlier, we would have seen John.
    4 If they had gone to bed earlier, they wouldn't have woken up late.
    5 if he had become a musician, he would have recorded a CDMA.
    6 if she had gone to art school, she would have become a painter.
    7 if I had been born in a different country , I would have learned to speak a different language.
    8 if she had gone to university, she would have studied French.
    9 if we hadn't gone to the party, we wouldn't have met them,
    10 if he hadn't taken the job, he would have gone travelling.
    11 He would have been happier if he had stayed at home.
    12 She would have passed the exam if she had studied harder.
    13 We wouldn't have got married if we hadn't gone to the same university.
    14 They would have been late if they would have taken a taxi,
    15 She wouldn't have met him if she hadn't come to London.
    16 He would have taken a taxi if he had had enough money.
    17 I would have called you if I had forgotten my phone.

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