
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от nastiazhurba

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1.I like … dance. 2. I’d like … dance. 3. She made me … repeat my words. 4. She did not let him … run about the room. 5. Do you like … listen to music? 6. Would you like … listen to music? 7. That funny boy made me … laugh. 8. My brother can … speak French. 9. We had … put on our jackets because it was cold. 10. They wanted … go by car. 11. It is high time for you … go to bed. 12. May I … use your telephone?. 13. He did not want … play with her. 14. Would you like … go home? 15. I wanted … speak to Nick, but could not … find his telephone number. 16. It is time … get up. 17. Let me … help you with your homework.18. I was planning … do a lot of things yesterday.19. I’d like … speak to you. 20. I think I will be able … solve this problem. 21. What makes you … think you are right? 21. He must … do it. 22. Pete can’t … concentrate with the radio on.

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан parljukljuba
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  2. Ответ
    Ответ дан peskotskaya
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