
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от kavai2girl

Ответьте на каждый вопрос двумя предложениями.

What ecological problems are the most serious in your country?
What can teenagers do to make their hometown cleaner?
Would you like to live in a big city in the country, why?

  1. Ответ
    Ответ дан Gaimery
    1)In our country there is a list of environmental issues which a grave in deed. The most serious in my city is air and land pollution.
    There are a lot of Youth organizations for the protection of nature, so, I think that teenagers can join these groups and start to make their own cities cleaner.
    3)I prefer to live in the big city, even if it's dirty, because in a big city I have more oppotunities to make my future career.

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